Customizable Product Licenses


SBIRT Dash is a software package designed to support the implementation of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) services for alcohol, substance use, or depression in a healthcare organization of any kind. It is a means of collecting, recording, and reporting important aggregate SBIRT performance measures to funding agencies and other stakeholders who support the integration of behavioral health within healthcare organizations. It is not a tool for collecting data on individual patients or their diagnoses (or other healthcare information).


CDPConnect is a web-based data-entry interface that allows staff working on a CSAT-SAMHSA grant to begin collecting the full DCI immediately. Reduce the burden of data collection with pre-populated answers, automatic skip patterns, and error checking. The easy to use interface decreases the time required for data collection. It's perfect for SBIRT grantees!

Customizable (Open-Source) Software

Follow-Up Support System

Never miss an event again. The Follow-Up Support System is an open-source, web-based tracking system designed to help you manage your project's clients and follow-up events. Automated email reminders, support for multiple concurrent users, and a fast, easy-to-use interface make the Follow-Up Support System a breeze to implement.

For SAMHSA grantees: The Follow-Up Support System is a great tool for tracking patients, facilitating referral services, and improving your GPRA follow-up rate for best-practice and grantee requirements.

For more details on any product, or to schedule a product demo...